This may sound crazy to some but I feel everything about the pandemic has Al written all over it.
I'm convinced the pandemic was pre-conceptualized by humans who ran the entire event through Al programming. Asked it to simulate the best most convincing way to pull it off. Al wrote the script Fauci & Co carried it out.
Even now the things going on, what Fauci says (he won’t shut up) are all part of a larger picture. We don't see it because we are being cleverly out witted by programming that is running in the background that understands how to trigger the human psyche.
Chat GPT-4 is only the civilian version. The elite have access to servers running AI that dwarf Chat GPT. Humanity is at a stage where machines are shaping their perceptions and hijacking their futures.
While we focus on dangers posed by vaccines we may be ignoring the real experiment going on. As Mr. Couey rightfully points out at face value nothing makes sense.
What does make sense is this whole event is a test, could AI write a detailed intellectual strategy of powerful manipulation to get most people to give up their rights, roll up their sleeves and take an experimental biological agent? My feeling is, you bet your ass it did. And it’s still evolving.
AIs most nefarious but militarily useful purpose is to influence, mislead, manipulate, control, and conquer minds.
It occurs to me the Pandemic was an amazing test of its power. Most of us few dissenters have been blown away by how fast and effectively our friends, family, neighbors and coworkers dropped all semblance of logic and marched to its drum.
Microsoft has a huge stake in AI. Did Bill Gates make billions off the vaccines? Or would it be more accurate to say he made billions off AI of which the vaccines played a starring role?
The Pandemic could’ve easily been the 21st century equivalent of the first nuclear tests. That may be why Trump has not openly criticized it. He knows it’s rooted in national security. If we don’t get a handle on its power our adversaries certainly will.
I think it’s quite possible that most of us have been misled to focus solely on biology when really the entire pandemic was a military exercise to test the power of AI.
How far can AI push people to give up everything they supposedly stand for and get them to think they’re acting rationally when clearly they’re not if the right buttons are pressed?
AI’s predictive programming can write humanity’s script in real-time. It is the most powerful weapon ever created.
So who thinks the military industrial complex isn’t interested? Who thinks they wouldn’t pull off this entire event as a test to see if giant swaths of people can be goaded to surrender their will? If they can get under the hood and tinker with the engines victory is possible with nary a shot fired.
That’s why biologically nothing makes sense. The pandemic really wasn’t about biology. It was about asking AI to create a scenario that’d manipulate people to jump through hoops they normally wouldn’t. See if it works and how far it could go.
Great comment. I've been making the same point to a couple friends who sent me an article about the dangers of AI. I made the case that it's already been happening, and this conversation about its dangers is a ruse. The way algorithms work on the internet is AI, and they've been very successful manipulating people and people's perceptions. The big companies (google, Facebook) have already been harming the public with this technology, and they are now discussing ethical concerns about AI as a way to cover what they've already been doing. "Behavioral nudging" is a way algorithms and AI works, and so many organizations talk positively about it, and it's really a psychological manipulation tool.
There is a book written in 1990s called the Embodied Mind, by Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson and Elanor Roach. A friend who writes on substack was going to do a stack on AI some months ago. She told me after reading that book, she wouldn't write one. She said chapter after chapter cause her to stop reading do a lot of thinking and then re-read the chapter.
The key is the Embodied Mind. The book shows that minds need to be embodied to become fully functional. Being that way we don't give it a second thought. But AI is not. That is a big problem. That is why they want you chipped and wearing bio sensing devices that constantly feed back to AI. Each person that is chipped and wearing bio sensors and connected via a data link to AI is giving AI an experience of an embodied mind.
Still not even a taste of a true mind that even a bug has. Our immune system was described by Francisco Varela as a cognitive system. It seems clear to me by the work Jay Couey has done and others including what has been posted here by Soulbee3, that being an embodied mind is not doable by AI. AI is a fraud and the very idea is a psychological manipulation tool.
AI won’t create an embodied mind. But it can create an embedded mind. Highly influential and still very dangerous.
Be careful saying it’s a fraud. It is doubtful it can ever reach human sentient, but it can achieve a digitized form of it that is good enough to wreak havoc in new and remarkable ways if not attenuated.
Dr Couey has hypothesized the PCR tests were a scheme to capture billions of samples of human DNA.
I have no doubt those samples are being inputted along with reams of behavioral, demographic, health and who knows what else they’ve captured through back door keyboard data logging for the express purpose of feeding powerful algorithmic databases to parse out information that allows the programmers to know us better than we know ourselves.
On that score, yes, AI is a psychological manipulation tool. So is TV for that matter. And, TVs influence has been similarly disregarded yet it’s the basis by which most people’s opinions are formed.
In conclusion I agree Artificial Intelligence will never come anywhere near the dizzying complexity of the human body. But it can calculate astronomically complex equations at the speed of light, never forget, and never age. So it has some advantages we should be wary of.
> AI won’t create an embodied mind. But it can create an embedded mind. Highly influential and still very dangerous.
I am not sure what you mean by embedded mind. Assuming you mean an mind on a chip that can be embedded in someones brain, not a chance. Why? The brain is by far the most complex organ of the body. How did the mechanical heart go. Not well. Medicine doesn't even try to use mechanical hearts. And by that I mean install a mechanical heart your body won't reject and is able to run itself. It has to run itself because our bodies will not support it or be impressed by it.
making a brain on a chip is nonsense in my opinion. What may be possible are sensors and implants that can manipulate the person through pain or pleasure signals. Not unlike the highs and lows of an addict. Doing thus will allow them to move you in the direction they want, which is a long ways from the autonomy some of us wish to realize. Autonomy to be a cognitively, emotionally, physically and empathically a member of Gaia/Earth. That is not their vision.
Complexity of Gaia/Earth makes the complexity of our brains simple in comparison.
I don't mean to offend you in any way. I am pissed at these frauds because they blame us for all their failings. Breaking us anyway they can so that we become the surfs and peasants of old. They hate this:
To me, GLKs "embedded mind" means that the ideas and beliefs get embedded in our minds. This already happens, people learn their beliefs and ideas from somewhere - from what other people have said, from what is read in books, from what is seen on TV, etc. We rarely form ideas of our own, they are all taken from the ideas that are already out there.
Before the computer era, we had to connect ourselves with the book or the radio. The book and radio were offering one thing, and we are free to take it in or not.
In the computer era, when we open a source of information, it's not offering one thing to everyone. The algorithms cater to each interest, learn what grasps that person's attention then offers that type of information to keep the attention, and steers the person. The algorithms also operates on our psychological patterns and vulnerabilities. Each of these are used to the algorithms greatest advantage, capturing our attention and our psychological patterning so certain ideas and beliefs more easily become our own.
In the past, the ideas from books and other people also get embedded in our mind. But the manipulative tools of algorithms and AI will be even more successful at doing this.
> There is a book written in 1990s called the Embodied Mind, by Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson and Elanor Roach. A friend who writes on substack was going to do a stack on AI some months ago. She told me after reading that book, she wouldn't write one. She said chapter after chapter cause her to stop reading do a lot of thinking and then re-read the chapter.
The key is the Embodied Mind. The book shows that minds need to be embodied to become fully functional. Being that way we don't give it a second thought. But AI is not. That is a big problem. That is why they want you chipped and wearing bio sensing devices that constantly feed back to AI. Each person that is chipped and wearing bio sensors and connected via a data link to AI is giving AI an experience of an embodied mind.
I liked this book while it does suggest ways of understanding the way minds work, it doesn't impose on you. At the time AI had been spinning it wheels of decades. Work by Danny Hillis (Connection Machines) and Marvin Minsky ( Society of Mind) were a vanguard of people re-thinking AI.
I hope you will take time to read The Embodied Mind. It is written for the scientific community. But since it is appealing to a large number of professions the book is written in a way that is understandable. That in itself is quite a feat.
> databases to parse out information that allows the programmers to know us better than we know ourselves.
Truth is we don't know ourselves. Consider the example of our immune system. Our egos cannot control let alone understand that system so we ignore it.
Not everyone does this. For millennia on far flung areas of the earth people have studied their navels (jest) to understand what we are. Chinese, Ayrvedic and Ancient western medicine treated the body with reverence and respect. Some how we lost that profound respect for what we really don't know.
You actually may know more about your immune system than AI, it is just knowledge the body keeps hidden because we aren't willing to put in the work needed to understand and be guided by such wisdom.
> AI is a psychological manipulation tool. So is TV for that matter...most people’s opinions are formed.
So true. My parents in the 1950s realized that and got rid of the TV
> In conclusion I agree Artificial Intelligence will never... So it has some advantages we should be wary of.
I agree if we change it a bit. To me we should be wary of those that suggest and intimidate us with the idea of AI. It cannot in and of itself do harm. Sage Hanna suggest we chase laser pointers or dog whistles. AI idea keeps us from looking at the great OZ behind the curtain. As long as we chase the laser dot they will laugh their asses off and keep dumbing us down.
> I have no doubt those samples are being inputted along with reams of behavioral, demographic, health ... programmers to know us better than we know ourselves.
My guess is they are culling and grooming us to be organ donor's. Find a great genetic match the .001% can be nearly immoral I mean immortal. If you can't find one, then engineer it. But as we have seen with the simple (relatively) transfection, and mass media cheer leading they totally botched SarsCov2.
They know how much botching is going to happen on the way to immorality, sorry I mean immortality. Lots of dead and ruined bodies along the way. Still no guarantee of success. After all we are the product of 4 billion years of evolution. Most of which as you point out we don't understand.
This is blunt but the way I see it frightened people were penetrated *under threat* by a human who plunged a liquid deep inside their bodies that triggered a biologic action that was lethal to some, damaging to others, and of unknown consequences to the rest. None of those insertions were done out of love and none lived up to their promises. All 5.5 billion that took the covid shots were raped. I’m sorry but that is a fact. A fact that should make people very, very angry. But, I dunno? We’ll see.
At minimum, people did not have informed consent and were not given true information by the corporate media, the government or a majority of doctors and nurses. Many people did take it under serious threat. So many of us lived through what it was like to not take it under threat, and it was really hard.
Rape has a specific sexual connotation, but the trauma of rape does affect every cell in the body, just as this injection does (or at least most of these injections it appears).
GLK, I agree with your assessment. And yours too Soulbee3
We need to learn about those that did not buy into the propaganda of the Gov and Pharma. Our health has been under serious attack since 1970. At that time the US was 4 in the world in Heath and Longevity. By 2020 we were 79th. Clearly not an accident. In the early 1970s Agricultural Secretary Earl Butz (Nixon Adm) told small Farmers to "get big or get out". At that same time he took away the farm support farmers had won and gave it to Corporations who quickly gobbled up the small farms etc. I doubt it is a coincidence that the health of the US follows the destruction of small farms and complete control of our food system by Agribusiness. Creating powerful economic incentives for country folk to move to suburbs and cities doesn't help either.
Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News has documented the subversion of US law starting in the early 1900s to the present that makes such a pandemic and the transfections possible. She is worth learning from. An amazing para legal.
Thanks. Your politeness is appreciated. When I say embedded I know it conjures images of a physical device implant. But minds are embedded in a myriad of ways.
Elon Musk has effectively painted an image of Neuralink as being something akin to Yondu from Guardians of the Galaxy. Once again I defer to JJ Couey who said, Musk is bamboozling us. We are way past the necessity for physical implants. “Chipping” the brain is done by injectables. No major surgery necessary.
I trust Couey because I think he’s a good, caring, intelligent (slightly eccentric) man and his specialty is neurobiology. He knows the field.
That said, none of this whiz bang technology is anything more than the logical progression of the most primitive forms of mass communication. In the 20th century Orson Wells famous radio broadcast was a demonstration of a mass communication device embedding minds with dissonance.
Otherwise rational people were scared out of their wits over an implausible alien invasion. And that was before television. Before Social Media. Before AI. My suspicious mind ponders whether War of the Worlds was an accident? Or was Wells compensated handsomely for the experiment? But I digress.
Normies can’t step inside an evil mind. That is their weakness. People, particularly when they’re relatively comfortable with the distractions inside their life bubble just cannot fathom why power is so intoxicating. To them it’s a waste of time. People, again, to their detriment always assume everyone thinks essentially like they do. That’s why when Americans encounter different cultures that do not share the same values they always make excuses.
Money fixes everything, right? People everywhere are at their core all the same, right? The same excuse mongering applies to the nefarious in our own back yard. Bill Gates can’t be that bad, right? Nobody’s really listening to the Schwab and Harari shit show, right? Biden wouldn’t really sell America out to China, right? They wouldn’t really try to murder and control us via mass penetration of a biological agent would they? It all seems so idiotic doesn’t it?
Klaus Schwab recently said we live in the era of the polycrises. What he’s not openly saying is all the noise they’re deliberately embedding us with is by design. It’s meant to disrupt and destabilize so that people rely on the reptilian portion of their brains. I’m not sure why but when faced with the uncertainty of Black Death I’m compelled to horde toilet paper. (!) The fact is, to build back to utopian betterment they must destroy everything first.
AI is a powerful tool in the kit. It’s computational speed puts humans at a disadvantage. And it can crunch data points at the speed of light and arrive at behavioral conclusions without coloring them with emotions. The more finite data it’s given the better it can “know” us. It’s not intelligence in the sense of the swirling complex biological and spiritual interplay of humanity. But we need to acknowledge it has certain capabilities that exceed our own.
“Know thy enemy” comes to mind.
Because AI needs data and lots of it, a light bulb goes off as to why the relatively recent pull away from computer viruses (remember those?) and push toward keylogging spyware. John MacAfee pointed out the anti-virus software he invented has long been rendered unnecessary. He said the industry for data capture accelerated from nothing to a staggering Trillion dollars in ten years. This is far more lucrative than viruses. He said keylogging spyware is virtually undetectable and it’s on almost every device. The two largest customers for such data are governments and the military.
Nobody wants to admit it but Chinese owned and controlled Pornhub is bigger that Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram combined. If you’ve been on it (and it appears almost everyone has) then your device has been infected by keylogging software running in the background. The old Internet adage applies, “When something is free the product is you.” It doesn’t matter if it’s a Porn site or a weather app. Your habits are being captured. You’re being studied.
This capturing doesn’t begin with your sexual deviancy and end with texts to your spouse to pick up some milk on the way home. It now includes your DNA. Again, Jonathan Couey, bless his heart, pontificates on how the PCR testing could have been used to capture the largest most diverse population of DNA sampling in the history of the world.
There’s only one explanation for capturing our DNA and combining it with the minutae of our seemingly innocuous behaviors. I mean, who cares, right? There’s no doubt all this data is being fed into the most powerful bank of Supercomputers known to humanity. Because with enough data…maybe now…maybe later, there will be programming powerful enough to understand us right down to our deepest thoughts, habits, and desires. And, it will use that understanding to embed minds with strategies that will alter the course of entire countries without firing a shot.
I think largely that’s what the Pandemic was all about. Our reactions were being tested against predictive programming. Behaviors studied. Tweaks made. They’ve learned much since War of the Worlds. They penetrated 5.5 billion people with a serum that killed, maimed and left the rest with uncertain futures. You gotta admit that was one helluva feat. One things for certain, there’s more to come.
Mission 2 was ended prematurely on September 6, 1994. No further total system science has emerged from Biosphere 2 as the facility was changed by Columbia University from a closed ecological system to a "flow-through" system where CO2 could be manipulated at desired levels.[58]
On September 26, 1991, the first mission of Biosphere 2 began. Biosphere 2 is an Earth systems science research facility located in Oracle, Arizona, built to be an artificial, materially closed ecological system, or vivarium. It remains the largest closed system ever created.
Biosphere 2 in Oracle, Arizona
Biosphere 2 was constructed between 1987 and 1991 by Space Biosphere Ventures and was named Biosphere 2 because it was meant to be the second fully self-sufficient biosphere, after the Earth itself. The facility is located in Oracle, Arizona and is elevated 1200 m above sea level.
Closed Biospheres for Space Exploration
Biosphere 2 was originally meant to explore the web of interactions within life systems in a structure with five areas based on biomes, and an agricultural area and human living and working space to study the interactions between humans, farming, and technology with the rest of nature. It also explored the use of closed biospheres in space colonization, and allowed the study and manipulation of a biosphere without harming Earth’s. The first closed mission started on September 26, 1992 with a crew consisting of a medical doctor and several researchers.
Despite the fact that the agricultural system produced bananas, papayas, sweet potatoes, beets, peanuts, lablab and cowpea beans, rice, and wheat, the eight team members reported continual hunger during the first year. During year two, they produced much more food, which increased their well being. Subsequent studies showed that the biospherians’ metabolism became more efficient at extracting nutrients from their food as an adaptation to the low-calorie, high nutrient diet. During their stay, the CO2 levels changed often and most of the vertebrate species and all of the pollinating insects died. However, insects like cockroaches boomed.
And the Problems began…
Some of the problems during the first mission were overstocked fish dying and clogging filtration systems, unanticipated condensation making the “desert” too wet, population explosions of greenhouse ants and cockroaches, and morning glories overgrowing the “rainforest”, blocking out other plants. In addition, construction itself was a challenge, such as manipulating the bodies of water to have waves and tidal changes was a difficulty.
Some controversy evolved when an injured team member was allowed to leave and new material was carried inside like plastic bags, ans (possibly) food. The mission officials were also accused of pumping oxygen inside to make up the failure in balancing the system.
Second Mission
The second mission started on March 6, 1994 with an announced run of ten months, however, the project did not go on as smooth. Abigail Alling and Mark Van Thillo, members of the first crew, allegedly vandalized the project from outside during the months of April through opening the double-airlock system and breaking glasses wherefore the captain left the team and was replaced soon after. Later on, more team members were exchanged and Mission 2 was ended prematurely on September 6, 1994.
The Findings
The media often spoke of a failure of the project. Nevertheless, this “failure” resulted in findings that are likely to be valuable for future developments and tests of artificial habitats. Already the realization that it is not easily possible to create a habitat outside the earth that can be used by humans is seen as an important result of the project.
An aquarium with a diameter of more than two meters needs up to six years of treatment to stop constantly tipping out of its ecological balance. Thus, the experimental period was too short.
Also, too many plants and animals are said to have been introduced, several from each continent. One idea is to start with a few effective plant species first. This means using few species to ensure oxygen production and food production, rather than creating a rather obstructive and complicating diversity. For example, according to Robert Zubrin, bumblebees are “the more docile bees” and are good for pollination; otherwise, insects could be largely dispensed with at first, since they reproduce too rapidly, as ants do, for example.
The purpose of the facility is no longer habitats for space, but is for studying earth's ecosystems. There will be no more sealed missions of people inside the habitat, and the work does not look directly applicable to space habitats any more. Space Biosphere Ventures is out, and Biosphere 2 Science Consortium is in.
> AI is a powerful tool in the kit. ...But we need to acknowledge it has certain capabilities that exceed our own.
As does a car, tractor, Horse, Lion, Tiger etc. Bacteria are way better at about anything that matters. They have developed over 20 metabolic pathways, humans to date none. One of those metabolic pathways is the Water molecule. Cyanobacteria can break the H2O molecule at room temperature, keep the hydrogen and release the oxygen.
A Very Gentle Introduction to Large Language Models without the Hype
I hope you find time to read this article on AI. He goes into the weeds but very very gently.
> Because AI needs data and lots of it, ... John MacAfee pointed out the anti-virus software he invented has long been rendered unnecessary. ...staggering Trillion dollars in ten years. ... governments and the military.
With that in mind please read A Very Gentle Introduction to Large Language Models without the Hype. Also are you a member of the Free Software Foundation. They have been on top of this from the beginning. I have been a member for several decades. Though I am not a hacker in the traditional sense. I have been aware of the encroachment of Private/Public partnerships to spy on citizens for a very long time.
AI only became physically possible in 2017.
> ... texts to your spouse
Don't own a cell phone. Never have, never will.
> Jonathan Couey, bless his heart, pontificates on how the PCR testing could have been used to capture the largest most diverse population of DNA sampling in the history of the world.
I have been following and supporting JJ for almost 6 months (small time supporter not much of an income). His deep insight into the real function of transfections is a grand slam. As is his theory well documented as to how it was pulled off. I bought several books based on his twitch program. Check his GigaOhmBiologic site every several days.
I second your deep esteem of JJ Couey!!!
>There’s only one explanation for capturing our DNA ... without firing a shot.
Jay Couey talks about the cull. He strongly suggests the age group that is being intently studied now is his children and will be theirs. That leads to my take, which is different from yours.
Supposedly we landed on the moon 50+ years ago. Supposedly we are going there again. Just saying that what is said is not what is done. Most likely reason is the human body. Not really a space or low gravity body. Soooo...
All this genetic data is being used for several things. The most important to my mind is finding organs donors for the .0001% as these people mess their pants thinking about death. They want their version of technocracy to flourish and want to live long enough to see that happening.
It has also been said that we need to make "space adapted humans". That is a problem we can't really think about yet. We need space stations orbiting the earth long term. We need people to inhabit them long term and we need a micro environment that approximates the bare necessities the biology needs (including human) to survive and in time thrive.
That is a really hard problem. You cannot imagine how hard that problem is.
Biosphere 2 failed. Though that has been paved over so to speak. If failed because even as big as it was, it couldn't get the right mix of biology to enable life to just live, let alone thrive.
AI can't even begin to figure that out as it is not embodied. That wisdom and know how it works rests with the Earth/Gaia and to date we have found not other planets that harbor life. That is not saying there is no planetary life other than earth it is just that we have not detected it.
Is why he is as you say good, caring intellitent...
> That’s why when Americans encounter different cultures that do not share the same values they always make excuses.
True but worse in the colonial era where they just exterminated the inhabitants and took their land. And by "They" I mean NATO Europe and the US with it's "Manifest Destiniy"
> Biden wouldn’t really sell America out to China, right?
Biden couldn't that was done by Nixon and Kissinger in the 1970s. All those rich people in the North East can't stand acid rain. Instead of innovation, all the heavy industry of the Rust Belt is moved to China. Before the move it wasn't the Rust Belt. More could be said my family comes from Amish like farmers, steal workers, Black Smiths and coal minners.
We were then told the US is now a service economy. How did that work out?
> They wouldn’t really try to murder and control us via mass penetration of a biological agent would they? It all seems so idiotic doesn’t it?
This statement seems to be pointed at China (I may have misunderstood what you meant) so I repy with the following;
Ron Unz really nails this one ( No one can call him a bleeding liberal, or a dummy. His site is amazing to me as it is a forum for many points of view. Ron Unz is no cheer leader for China, but he has a keen eye and deep insights to the various players in the world. This work by Ron Unz is dated May 10, 2021.
You can jump to "The Excluded Third Possibility" if you want a quicker read.
Suppressing Possible Artificial Origins as “a Conspiracy Theory”
From nearly the beginning of the epidemic, the position taken by the mainstream media had been that Covid-19 was very likely natural in origin, and although President Trump and some of his political allies soon loudly claimed otherwise, the perceived scientific consensus remained unchanged.
... Taken together, Lemoine, Baker, and Wade have produced a large collection of high-quality articles on the origins of the global Covid-19 epidemic, but nowhere among their 54,000 words is there even a hint that the virus might possibly have had its origins in America’s well-documented and lavishly funded biowarfare program.
The Strong Evidence for an American Biowarfare Attack
Do you think they are throttling our energy consumption i.a. because they need the energy for their AI infrastructure?
If this is all run and autocorrected in real time by AI, it would mean that by way of substack articles and Twitter they can induce us to input our changing assessments of events, our evolving theories in real time into their ongoing calculations. Rolling out this chat AI in many applications at this point in time increases their chances of gathering and exploiting and factoring in our reaction and state of mind. Then, it would be better to become more tight-lipped. Even though that too harms us. Tricky situation.
I think you're right, AI and algorithms receive our data in and can immediately act upon what it receives. People are psychologically vulnerable to it in a couple ways. One is that people don't recognize how much their thoughts come from other places already. People take in information and feel like they've developed those thoughts on their own, but most all our thoughts and the knowledge has been learned our whole life. People need to wake up to where, and how, they're learning it from. Information that turns into peoples' deeply held beliefs can be packaged in manipulative ways, preying on people's good nature and values. Since the information people take in are connected to their own values, it's hard to discern that they shouldn't swallow the belief in its entirety. Secondly people want to be accepted and even admired, so when negativity is pointed their way thru algorithms, there are a lot of people who will buckle, or as you say just be silent. It's too much for their sense of self to be seen negatively. This was studied to manipulate people to take the transfections for example, and it's being used in climate change and systemic issues. You are right, it is a tricky situation.
Tricky indeed. The more you learn about AI particularly when thinking in terms of the military version which makes Chat GPT look like a kindergarten toy. (A toy that passed a Wharton MBA exam with a B) the more you understand how powerful it’s influence and problem solving really is.
People succumb for many reasons. At the grass roots level it is because they’ve been suckered into a tailor made paradigm fed to them that once accepted their ego will not allow them to let go. At high levels they tinker with it and us to achieve a predetermined outcome knowing consequences are nil.
I used to dismiss AI as akin to Siri or Alexa on steroids. No. It’s way more advanced than that. Musk said there are only a few gigantic AI server farms feeding very powerful computers. He said you can see their heat signature from space. It won’t be long when none of us will know what’s true.
Another “kindergarten” program that came out recently can record a mere 30 seconds of your conversation and reassemble your words with accurate tonal inflections to make you say something you never said. Or never meant to say. Undetectable.
These are just the basic toys. The power that AI wields to influence society is off the charts. We underestimate it at our peril. There’s no doubt in my mind the Pandemic was a test of its powers.
For many years now it’s been no secret our data has been captured and sold. A multibillion dollar industry.
Most of us including me had no idea why. Targeted advertising was the broad explanation.
Snowden, McAfee, and others have pointed out that intelligence gathering has been off the charts.
Again, I’d shrug it off because my life is pretty boring. I used to make a joke about how my data would put them to sleep. I mean, why the rush to gather mountains of data on average, boring law abiding citizens?
Now the answer is emerging. The more data AI is fed the more powerful it gets. AI must know every last detail about each and every one of us.
That’s how it figures out how to persuade us to give up our rights, our faith, our beliefs, fears, hopes, dreams and reshapes them in whatever paradigm is programmed by its masters.
That is why data collection has exploded. That’s why it’s so valuable. That’s why we are currently up to our eyeballs in manipulation and most still don’t see it.
AI must know you. Everything about you. Then it can calculate at the speed of light how to make you its willing puppet. You’ll never see it coming. You’ll be convinced your thoughts are your own. And, you will be wrong.
AI learns to manipulate by digesting conflict data. There isn’t a whole lot to gain from people living a peaceful existence.
For that reason I think most of the seemingly nonsensical conflicts that’ve sprung up seemingly out of nowhere from a culture of so-called “Woke” are not coincidental.
Much can be learned from pitting people against each other, and positing lunacy as fact.
Yuval Harari said, “Jesus is fake news.” “Humans are hackable animals” “AI will render most humans obsolete”
Klaus Schwab said “You will own nothing and be happy”
Listen to what they’re saying. Evidently they see Jesus/Christianity as a threat. They’re confident AI will erase your willpower and necessity for existence. And, once all is said and done whomever remains will be happy campers.
These people are rich, powerful narcissistic nihilists with many, many followers. And they’re making no secret they are coming for us.
I agree, I think a lot of the conflict is being created online. I don't think a majority of people have that same conflict in their daily lives, but they're given the perception that it's all around them.
I do feel spiritual connection, values and discernment is our way through this. I think that's part of the reason why Christianity is being directly attacked by people like Harari. The other part is they want to uproot all other sources of deeply- rooted values and beliefs, so the WEF and co. can inject their own values and beliefs.
You might consider the Donner Party. There were other wagon trains at the time crossing the Sierra Nevada Mountains that didn't scum to the craziness of the Donner Party.
I agree with most of what is put forth here. I don't see WEF having a real chance of injecting their ideas. Their ideas run on fossil fuel, CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) for humans. CAFOs for humans also includes a complete blanket of psychological programming.
While we are not absolutely our bodies, we are not the person/ego that is projected at us by WEF etal. Our bodies hold sway as does the microcosmos that is Earth/Gaia. Lynn Margulis ask humanity not to make war on the microcosmos. If we do it will not go well for us. Sadly that sage wisdom and insight for the principal collaborator of James Lovelock and the Gaia Theory has not been heeded. With chem trails laced with aluminum and other toxic substance being sprayed in the upper atmosphere without any public hearing or approval is a declaration of war on the microcosmos. Just as the SarsCov2 transfections are a delcaration of war on humanity and much of the livestock and now though genetic engineering of plants humans use as food, to be transfection food, there is no doubt that the .001% has declared war on the microcosmos and all of life.
How the microcosmos will respond is anyone's guess. The 4 billion years of Gaia show plenty of surprised. As the Chinese proverb says "May you live in Interesting times", it seems we do, and will be for a very long time.
Excellent! I’ve been thinking the same thing.. we’re being continuously distracted by virus/no virus, Malone good/Malone bad, CIA mind games, gender anger, etc. seems to me like we’re being sucked into the wrong wormholes. There’s a bigger plot in it all. I think you sum it up well!
Right, it's not that those discussions are not needed and valuable, but we can't get so engaged in those that we lose sight of the bigger picture happening.
> But if we are doing the job of keeping us engaged and entertained, and not doing any obviously stupid things, then we might think they are more sophisticated than the are.
>They key point is that artificial intelligence is not magic. And because it is not magic, it can be explained.
> ust like we can make a smaller, simpler version of a car, we can also make a smaller, simpler version of human language. We use the term large language models because these models are, well, large, from the perspective of how much memory is required to use them.
> The basic concept of the neural network was invented in the 1940s and the basic concepts on how to train them as were invented in the 1980s. Neural networks are very inefficient, and it wasn’t until around 2017 when computer hardware was good enough to use them at large scale.
> But instead of brains, I like to think of neural networks using the metaphor of electrical circuitry. You don’t have to be an electrical engineer to know that electricity flows through wires and that we have things called resistors that make it harder for electricity to flow through parts of a circuit.
> 4. What is Deep Learning?
Deep Learning is a recognition that we can put other things in our circuits besides resistors and gates. For example we can have a mathematical calculation in the middle of our circuit that adds and multiplies things together before sending electricity forward. Deep Learning still uses the same basic incremental technique of guessing parameters.
> 5. What is a Language Model?
When we did the example of the car, we were trying to get our neural network to perform behavior that was consistent with our data. We were asking whether we could create a circuit that manipulated the mechanisms in the car the same way a driver did under similar circumstances. We can treat language the same way. We can look at text written by humans and wonder whether a circuit could produce a sequence of words that looks a lot like the sequences of words that humans tend to produce. Now, our sensors fire when we see words and our output mechanisms are words too.
What are we trying to do? We are trying to create a circuit that guesses an output word, given a bunch of input words.
... A great read I encourgage everyone to read the article.
That really is interesting. Here’s several things that I notice.
Before talking about the mortality dip, I noticed that all countries start at zero at 2018, then they spread out from one another. I find that hard to believe, but maybe it is true, I’d have to see the source data on everyone starting at zero excess deaths.
Comparing the mortality dip with the two years before, most countries don't show a big difference. If you look at the lowest point of the mortality dip and compare that to the lowest point in the two years before, there isn't much of a difference in most countries. For most of the countries this dip looks like normal variability. Sweden looks to have the widest dip compared with the two years before, which means less people died in the first months of 2020. It's interesting that Sweden was the only country in Europe that did not have harmful authoritarian responses to the viral outbreak. Did that have something to do with it?
Since most countries didn’t have big changes in their excess deaths during the dip, even though they all dipped at the same time, I'm not sure this warrants a complex theory to explain it. I think these are all countries in europe, and they are affected by similar seasonal patterns.
It's my understanding that all countries go through seasonal changes in excess deaths. Excess mortality is higher in their winter months, and add mortality in their summer months . Lack of vitamin D production, being inside with other people, less activity, and other things might play a factor. Of course if countries have a natural disaster, or a war, there will be more excess deaths.
It's also helpful to understand what's called the pull forward effect. If a population has a spike in deaths for several years, that is usually followed by a couple years of less people dying than average. This is because the population already lost people early, that would have been dying a few years later.
When the author says covid-19 (I assume he’s talking about the coronavirus) embeds at a latent level, I think that's a possibility. I've heard Epstein-Barr does that. I don't agree that our immune systems are naive though. There are trillions of cells in our body interacting with trillions of genetic material in our environment with every breath we take, and with everything we touch. This is a constant and evolving relationship. Even when we get sick it doesn’t mean that our immune cells are naïve to a pathogen. There are often other stresses in the body and environment that increase symptoms of illness, but doesn't mean that we haven't seen the pathogen, or a part of the pathogen, before. If we travel to a different country, then our immune systems will be naive to what people have evolved to handle already in that country.
The author makes some bulleted points as a part of the theory. I don't think the second point is necessarily true, and other points after that are related to it being true. That is RNA cleaving enables it to enter cells more easily. He gives a source for this statement that is more about the effect of UV light, and the sources in vitro, which is so much different than what happens in the whole system of trillions of cells coordinating every second of every day in our body. Also, not all genetic material enters are cells. Sometimes our killer cells are macrophages encounter it and just break it down.
So those are my main impressions. How does that land with you? Do other things stand out for you?
Brilliant explanation. I have been trying to wrap my head around this for a long while. It adds value to my theory and does not disprove any of it - I think.
I speculate that various bugs were doing the rounds as they do all the time. Then along comes 5G and amplifies absolutely every sickness ever known to man. Some of these diseases develop quickly and some slowly. For example, it amplified colds and flus in the early days so that they turned into pneumonia and became deadly. It quickly wiped out those who could not tolerate the 5G frequencies - mostly old people whose "dirty electricity" tolerance is lower.
But then the diseases that develop more slowly followed. There has been a massive upsurge in diseases like diabetes, the rest of metabolic syndrome, heart issues, blood clots, various cancers and other viral issues like shingles, which disable and kill more slowly. All of these diseases are vulnerable to disturbance of the body's electrical control and communication systems which is what 5G plays havoc with. This is long covid, which to my mind has nothing whatever to do with the residual effects of any cold or flu and everything to do with long term damage being done to the body wholesale by 5G.
The timing for this is perfect. At the same time that the supposed pandemic occurred, 5G was rolled out and switched on around the world. While the world was locked down, there were teams with free passes installing 5G everywhere. The first places it was switched on had the worst initial hospitalisation numbers, but these hospitalizations and deaths have not let up. My theory, that 5G makes every weakness we already have much much worse, could account for the phenomenal variety of symptoms experienced by those who go down with apparently wild covid and those for whom illness lingers on with long covid.
So where do the injections come into this? Well, not everyone is electro-sensitive. My personal theory is that those with high levels of mercury, lead, aluminium etc are electro-sensitives and are easily affected by dirty electricity et al. So what do the injections do? Introduce electrical conductors of various kinds to ensure that bodies that were previously not vulnerable to "death by 5G" become vulnerable.
Too many tangents for most to be able to hold in their heads simultaneously and see the bigger picture - the interplay between a cold or flu and every other disease known to man, with 5G that affects electro-sensitives, and jabs to make more people electro-sensitive. Can you draw this one?
Wonderful, I'm so glad it was helpful. Explaining step by step with pictures seems to really help understanding.
Right now I'm in the middle of a big stack on the Alison McDowell's research. It turned out to be a much bigger project than I anticipated. I'm headed into the third phase of this stack, which is about synthetic biology and transhumanism. I think 5G will make it into a couple slides, and I'm creating an accompanying video with one clip showing the human created electromagnetic field we exist in now.
5G may indeed interact with the shots. People have found a lot of metals in them, as well as evidence for nanotubes and quantum dots. I've been electromagnetic sensitive, and it got a little better with a heavy metal cleanse, so I think you're right, it has to do with how many metals are built up in the body.
There have been many studies showing the ill effects of 5G. I also noticed that Wuhan, New York and that city in Italy all had already rolled out 5G (and Wuhan had an incredible amount of pollution). Like you say, there are several avenues for 5G to affect people. Even if they don't feel it, it's moving through their body, and so much of our body functions through ion exchange and mini electrical currents. I don't see how it doesn't affect people's baseline health, worsen any pre-existing condition, weakens the body to fight off new conditions, and it possibly will interact with synthetic biology. So I think you're right. But for people who don't feel it, it's really tough to get them to recognize the possibilities.
Oh dear, I am now realising the limitations of Substack. Of recent times I have been simply going through my Substack inbox to see the state of play around the world, and I confess, I had not come across Alison McDowell. So thankyou for the introduction. I will have to pay more attention to cross posting articles about or by people not yet on Substack.
I have told so many people about the 5G blanket rollout to selected cities including Wuhan, Lombardy and some unknown city in South America co-inciding with the apparent outbreak of covid. Few are listening though.
Yes, the whole 5G was pushed on the world in a similar way the injections were, which is a big red flag. I live in California. A city council in San Diego tried to refuse 5G, but I think the federal gov overruled them - it can't be refused. There's no reason for that, most people don't need 5G speeds, so it's another troubling sign of totalitarianism. Along with cameras on every major corner, total surveillance. Since most people can't feel 5G, and it doesn't immediately affect their health, it's really hard for people to get concerned.
I think Allison's research is one of the most important, but it's really hard to enter into her videos and writing without some simplifying explanations and framing. There are so many details she keeps in her head and didn't explain fully each time she says them.
This may sound crazy to some but I feel everything about the pandemic has Al written all over it.
I'm convinced the pandemic was pre-conceptualized by humans who ran the entire event through Al programming. Asked it to simulate the best most convincing way to pull it off. Al wrote the script Fauci & Co carried it out.
Even now the things going on, what Fauci says (he won’t shut up) are all part of a larger picture. We don't see it because we are being cleverly out witted by programming that is running in the background that understands how to trigger the human psyche.
Chat GPT-4 is only the civilian version. The elite have access to servers running AI that dwarf Chat GPT. Humanity is at a stage where machines are shaping their perceptions and hijacking their futures.
While we focus on dangers posed by vaccines we may be ignoring the real experiment going on. As Mr. Couey rightfully points out at face value nothing makes sense.
What does make sense is this whole event is a test, could AI write a detailed intellectual strategy of powerful manipulation to get most people to give up their rights, roll up their sleeves and take an experimental biological agent? My feeling is, you bet your ass it did. And it’s still evolving.
AIs most nefarious but militarily useful purpose is to influence, mislead, manipulate, control, and conquer minds.
It occurs to me the Pandemic was an amazing test of its power. Most of us few dissenters have been blown away by how fast and effectively our friends, family, neighbors and coworkers dropped all semblance of logic and marched to its drum.
Microsoft has a huge stake in AI. Did Bill Gates make billions off the vaccines? Or would it be more accurate to say he made billions off AI of which the vaccines played a starring role?
The Pandemic could’ve easily been the 21st century equivalent of the first nuclear tests. That may be why Trump has not openly criticized it. He knows it’s rooted in national security. If we don’t get a handle on its power our adversaries certainly will.
I think it’s quite possible that most of us have been misled to focus solely on biology when really the entire pandemic was a military exercise to test the power of AI.
How far can AI push people to give up everything they supposedly stand for and get them to think they’re acting rationally when clearly they’re not if the right buttons are pressed?
AI’s predictive programming can write humanity’s script in real-time. It is the most powerful weapon ever created.
So who thinks the military industrial complex isn’t interested? Who thinks they wouldn’t pull off this entire event as a test to see if giant swaths of people can be goaded to surrender their will? If they can get under the hood and tinker with the engines victory is possible with nary a shot fired.
That’s why biologically nothing makes sense. The pandemic really wasn’t about biology. It was about asking AI to create a scenario that’d manipulate people to jump through hoops they normally wouldn’t. See if it works and how far it could go.
Great comment. I've been making the same point to a couple friends who sent me an article about the dangers of AI. I made the case that it's already been happening, and this conversation about its dangers is a ruse. The way algorithms work on the internet is AI, and they've been very successful manipulating people and people's perceptions. The big companies (google, Facebook) have already been harming the public with this technology, and they are now discussing ethical concerns about AI as a way to cover what they've already been doing. "Behavioral nudging" is a way algorithms and AI works, and so many organizations talk positively about it, and it's really a psychological manipulation tool.
Good day all,
There is a book written in 1990s called the Embodied Mind, by Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson and Elanor Roach. A friend who writes on substack was going to do a stack on AI some months ago. She told me after reading that book, she wouldn't write one. She said chapter after chapter cause her to stop reading do a lot of thinking and then re-read the chapter.
The key is the Embodied Mind. The book shows that minds need to be embodied to become fully functional. Being that way we don't give it a second thought. But AI is not. That is a big problem. That is why they want you chipped and wearing bio sensing devices that constantly feed back to AI. Each person that is chipped and wearing bio sensors and connected via a data link to AI is giving AI an experience of an embodied mind.
Still not even a taste of a true mind that even a bug has. Our immune system was described by Francisco Varela as a cognitive system. It seems clear to me by the work Jay Couey has done and others including what has been posted here by Soulbee3, that being an embodied mind is not doable by AI. AI is a fraud and the very idea is a psychological manipulation tool.
Be well
AI won’t create an embodied mind. But it can create an embedded mind. Highly influential and still very dangerous.
Be careful saying it’s a fraud. It is doubtful it can ever reach human sentient, but it can achieve a digitized form of it that is good enough to wreak havoc in new and remarkable ways if not attenuated.
Dr Couey has hypothesized the PCR tests were a scheme to capture billions of samples of human DNA.
I have no doubt those samples are being inputted along with reams of behavioral, demographic, health and who knows what else they’ve captured through back door keyboard data logging for the express purpose of feeding powerful algorithmic databases to parse out information that allows the programmers to know us better than we know ourselves.
On that score, yes, AI is a psychological manipulation tool. So is TV for that matter. And, TVs influence has been similarly disregarded yet it’s the basis by which most people’s opinions are formed.
In conclusion I agree Artificial Intelligence will never come anywhere near the dizzying complexity of the human body. But it can calculate astronomically complex equations at the speed of light, never forget, and never age. So it has some advantages we should be wary of.
> AI won’t create an embodied mind. But it can create an embedded mind. Highly influential and still very dangerous.
I am not sure what you mean by embedded mind. Assuming you mean an mind on a chip that can be embedded in someones brain, not a chance. Why? The brain is by far the most complex organ of the body. How did the mechanical heart go. Not well. Medicine doesn't even try to use mechanical hearts. And by that I mean install a mechanical heart your body won't reject and is able to run itself. It has to run itself because our bodies will not support it or be impressed by it.
making a brain on a chip is nonsense in my opinion. What may be possible are sensors and implants that can manipulate the person through pain or pleasure signals. Not unlike the highs and lows of an addict. Doing thus will allow them to move you in the direction they want, which is a long ways from the autonomy some of us wish to realize. Autonomy to be a cognitively, emotionally, physically and empathically a member of Gaia/Earth. That is not their vision.
Complexity of Gaia/Earth makes the complexity of our brains simple in comparison.
I don't mean to offend you in any way. I am pissed at these frauds because they blame us for all their failings. Breaking us anyway they can so that we become the surfs and peasants of old. They hate this:
To me, GLKs "embedded mind" means that the ideas and beliefs get embedded in our minds. This already happens, people learn their beliefs and ideas from somewhere - from what other people have said, from what is read in books, from what is seen on TV, etc. We rarely form ideas of our own, they are all taken from the ideas that are already out there.
Before the computer era, we had to connect ourselves with the book or the radio. The book and radio were offering one thing, and we are free to take it in or not.
In the computer era, when we open a source of information, it's not offering one thing to everyone. The algorithms cater to each interest, learn what grasps that person's attention then offers that type of information to keep the attention, and steers the person. The algorithms also operates on our psychological patterns and vulnerabilities. Each of these are used to the algorithms greatest advantage, capturing our attention and our psychological patterning so certain ideas and beliefs more easily become our own.
In the past, the ideas from books and other people also get embedded in our mind. But the manipulative tools of algorithms and AI will be even more successful at doing this.
I re-comment below
> There is a book written in 1990s called the Embodied Mind, by Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson and Elanor Roach. A friend who writes on substack was going to do a stack on AI some months ago. She told me after reading that book, she wouldn't write one. She said chapter after chapter cause her to stop reading do a lot of thinking and then re-read the chapter.
The key is the Embodied Mind. The book shows that minds need to be embodied to become fully functional. Being that way we don't give it a second thought. But AI is not. That is a big problem. That is why they want you chipped and wearing bio sensing devices that constantly feed back to AI. Each person that is chipped and wearing bio sensors and connected via a data link to AI is giving AI an experience of an embodied mind.
I liked this book while it does suggest ways of understanding the way minds work, it doesn't impose on you. At the time AI had been spinning it wheels of decades. Work by Danny Hillis (Connection Machines) and Marvin Minsky ( Society of Mind) were a vanguard of people re-thinking AI.
I hope you will take time to read The Embodied Mind. It is written for the scientific community. But since it is appealing to a large number of professions the book is written in a way that is understandable. That in itself is quite a feat.
be well.
I appreciate you views. Thank you very much.
> databases to parse out information that allows the programmers to know us better than we know ourselves.
Truth is we don't know ourselves. Consider the example of our immune system. Our egos cannot control let alone understand that system so we ignore it.
Not everyone does this. For millennia on far flung areas of the earth people have studied their navels (jest) to understand what we are. Chinese, Ayrvedic and Ancient western medicine treated the body with reverence and respect. Some how we lost that profound respect for what we really don't know.
You actually may know more about your immune system than AI, it is just knowledge the body keeps hidden because we aren't willing to put in the work needed to understand and be guided by such wisdom.
> AI is a psychological manipulation tool. So is TV for that matter...most people’s opinions are formed.
So true. My parents in the 1950s realized that and got rid of the TV
> In conclusion I agree Artificial Intelligence will never... So it has some advantages we should be wary of.
I agree if we change it a bit. To me we should be wary of those that suggest and intimidate us with the idea of AI. It cannot in and of itself do harm. Sage Hanna suggest we chase laser pointers or dog whistles. AI idea keeps us from looking at the great OZ behind the curtain. As long as we chase the laser dot they will laugh their asses off and keep dumbing us down.
> I have no doubt those samples are being inputted along with reams of behavioral, demographic, health ... programmers to know us better than we know ourselves.
My guess is they are culling and grooming us to be organ donor's. Find a great genetic match the .001% can be nearly immoral I mean immortal. If you can't find one, then engineer it. But as we have seen with the simple (relatively) transfection, and mass media cheer leading they totally botched SarsCov2.
They know how much botching is going to happen on the way to immorality, sorry I mean immortality. Lots of dead and ruined bodies along the way. Still no guarantee of success. After all we are the product of 4 billion years of evolution. Most of which as you point out we don't understand.
More could be said...
This is blunt but the way I see it frightened people were penetrated *under threat* by a human who plunged a liquid deep inside their bodies that triggered a biologic action that was lethal to some, damaging to others, and of unknown consequences to the rest. None of those insertions were done out of love and none lived up to their promises. All 5.5 billion that took the covid shots were raped. I’m sorry but that is a fact. A fact that should make people very, very angry. But, I dunno? We’ll see.
At minimum, people did not have informed consent and were not given true information by the corporate media, the government or a majority of doctors and nurses. Many people did take it under serious threat. So many of us lived through what it was like to not take it under threat, and it was really hard.
Rape has a specific sexual connotation, but the trauma of rape does affect every cell in the body, just as this injection does (or at least most of these injections it appears).
American Domestic Bioterrorism Program
Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.
I hope you will find her substack useful.
GLK, I agree with your assessment. And yours too Soulbee3
We need to learn about those that did not buy into the propaganda of the Gov and Pharma. Our health has been under serious attack since 1970. At that time the US was 4 in the world in Heath and Longevity. By 2020 we were 79th. Clearly not an accident. In the early 1970s Agricultural Secretary Earl Butz (Nixon Adm) told small Farmers to "get big or get out". At that same time he took away the farm support farmers had won and gave it to Corporations who quickly gobbled up the small farms etc. I doubt it is a coincidence that the health of the US follows the destruction of small farms and complete control of our food system by Agribusiness. Creating powerful economic incentives for country folk to move to suburbs and cities doesn't help either.
Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News has documented the subversion of US law starting in the early 1900s to the present that makes such a pandemic and the transfections possible. She is worth learning from. An amazing para legal.
Thanks. Your politeness is appreciated. When I say embedded I know it conjures images of a physical device implant. But minds are embedded in a myriad of ways.
Elon Musk has effectively painted an image of Neuralink as being something akin to Yondu from Guardians of the Galaxy. Once again I defer to JJ Couey who said, Musk is bamboozling us. We are way past the necessity for physical implants. “Chipping” the brain is done by injectables. No major surgery necessary.
I trust Couey because I think he’s a good, caring, intelligent (slightly eccentric) man and his specialty is neurobiology. He knows the field.
That said, none of this whiz bang technology is anything more than the logical progression of the most primitive forms of mass communication. In the 20th century Orson Wells famous radio broadcast was a demonstration of a mass communication device embedding minds with dissonance.
Otherwise rational people were scared out of their wits over an implausible alien invasion. And that was before television. Before Social Media. Before AI. My suspicious mind ponders whether War of the Worlds was an accident? Or was Wells compensated handsomely for the experiment? But I digress.
Normies can’t step inside an evil mind. That is their weakness. People, particularly when they’re relatively comfortable with the distractions inside their life bubble just cannot fathom why power is so intoxicating. To them it’s a waste of time. People, again, to their detriment always assume everyone thinks essentially like they do. That’s why when Americans encounter different cultures that do not share the same values they always make excuses.
Money fixes everything, right? People everywhere are at their core all the same, right? The same excuse mongering applies to the nefarious in our own back yard. Bill Gates can’t be that bad, right? Nobody’s really listening to the Schwab and Harari shit show, right? Biden wouldn’t really sell America out to China, right? They wouldn’t really try to murder and control us via mass penetration of a biological agent would they? It all seems so idiotic doesn’t it?
Klaus Schwab recently said we live in the era of the polycrises. What he’s not openly saying is all the noise they’re deliberately embedding us with is by design. It’s meant to disrupt and destabilize so that people rely on the reptilian portion of their brains. I’m not sure why but when faced with the uncertainty of Black Death I’m compelled to horde toilet paper. (!) The fact is, to build back to utopian betterment they must destroy everything first.
AI is a powerful tool in the kit. It’s computational speed puts humans at a disadvantage. And it can crunch data points at the speed of light and arrive at behavioral conclusions without coloring them with emotions. The more finite data it’s given the better it can “know” us. It’s not intelligence in the sense of the swirling complex biological and spiritual interplay of humanity. But we need to acknowledge it has certain capabilities that exceed our own.
“Know thy enemy” comes to mind.
Because AI needs data and lots of it, a light bulb goes off as to why the relatively recent pull away from computer viruses (remember those?) and push toward keylogging spyware. John MacAfee pointed out the anti-virus software he invented has long been rendered unnecessary. He said the industry for data capture accelerated from nothing to a staggering Trillion dollars in ten years. This is far more lucrative than viruses. He said keylogging spyware is virtually undetectable and it’s on almost every device. The two largest customers for such data are governments and the military.
Nobody wants to admit it but Chinese owned and controlled Pornhub is bigger that Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram combined. If you’ve been on it (and it appears almost everyone has) then your device has been infected by keylogging software running in the background. The old Internet adage applies, “When something is free the product is you.” It doesn’t matter if it’s a Porn site or a weather app. Your habits are being captured. You’re being studied.
This capturing doesn’t begin with your sexual deviancy and end with texts to your spouse to pick up some milk on the way home. It now includes your DNA. Again, Jonathan Couey, bless his heart, pontificates on how the PCR testing could have been used to capture the largest most diverse population of DNA sampling in the history of the world.
There’s only one explanation for capturing our DNA and combining it with the minutae of our seemingly innocuous behaviors. I mean, who cares, right? There’s no doubt all this data is being fed into the most powerful bank of Supercomputers known to humanity. Because with enough data…maybe now…maybe later, there will be programming powerful enough to understand us right down to our deepest thoughts, habits, and desires. And, it will use that understanding to embed minds with strategies that will alter the course of entire countries without firing a shot.
I think largely that’s what the Pandemic was all about. Our reactions were being tested against predictive programming. Behaviors studied. Tweaks made. They’ve learned much since War of the Worlds. They penetrated 5.5 billion people with a serum that killed, maimed and left the rest with uncertain futures. You gotta admit that was one helluva feat. One things for certain, there’s more to come.
Reply 3
BioSphere 2
Mission 2 was ended prematurely on September 6, 1994. No further total system science has emerged from Biosphere 2 as the facility was changed by Columbia University from a closed ecological system to a "flow-through" system where CO2 could be manipulated at desired levels.[58]
On September 26, 1991, the first mission of Biosphere 2 began. Biosphere 2 is an Earth systems science research facility located in Oracle, Arizona, built to be an artificial, materially closed ecological system, or vivarium. It remains the largest closed system ever created.
Biosphere 2 in Oracle, Arizona
Biosphere 2 was constructed between 1987 and 1991 by Space Biosphere Ventures and was named Biosphere 2 because it was meant to be the second fully self-sufficient biosphere, after the Earth itself. The facility is located in Oracle, Arizona and is elevated 1200 m above sea level.
Closed Biospheres for Space Exploration
Biosphere 2 was originally meant to explore the web of interactions within life systems in a structure with five areas based on biomes, and an agricultural area and human living and working space to study the interactions between humans, farming, and technology with the rest of nature. It also explored the use of closed biospheres in space colonization, and allowed the study and manipulation of a biosphere without harming Earth’s. The first closed mission started on September 26, 1992 with a crew consisting of a medical doctor and several researchers.
Despite the fact that the agricultural system produced bananas, papayas, sweet potatoes, beets, peanuts, lablab and cowpea beans, rice, and wheat, the eight team members reported continual hunger during the first year. During year two, they produced much more food, which increased their well being. Subsequent studies showed that the biospherians’ metabolism became more efficient at extracting nutrients from their food as an adaptation to the low-calorie, high nutrient diet. During their stay, the CO2 levels changed often and most of the vertebrate species and all of the pollinating insects died. However, insects like cockroaches boomed.
And the Problems began…
Some of the problems during the first mission were overstocked fish dying and clogging filtration systems, unanticipated condensation making the “desert” too wet, population explosions of greenhouse ants and cockroaches, and morning glories overgrowing the “rainforest”, blocking out other plants. In addition, construction itself was a challenge, such as manipulating the bodies of water to have waves and tidal changes was a difficulty.
Some controversy evolved when an injured team member was allowed to leave and new material was carried inside like plastic bags, ans (possibly) food. The mission officials were also accused of pumping oxygen inside to make up the failure in balancing the system.
Second Mission
The second mission started on March 6, 1994 with an announced run of ten months, however, the project did not go on as smooth. Abigail Alling and Mark Van Thillo, members of the first crew, allegedly vandalized the project from outside during the months of April through opening the double-airlock system and breaking glasses wherefore the captain left the team and was replaced soon after. Later on, more team members were exchanged and Mission 2 was ended prematurely on September 6, 1994.
The Findings
The media often spoke of a failure of the project. Nevertheless, this “failure” resulted in findings that are likely to be valuable for future developments and tests of artificial habitats. Already the realization that it is not easily possible to create a habitat outside the earth that can be used by humans is seen as an important result of the project.
An aquarium with a diameter of more than two meters needs up to six years of treatment to stop constantly tipping out of its ecological balance. Thus, the experimental period was too short.
Also, too many plants and animals are said to have been introduced, several from each continent. One idea is to start with a few effective plant species first. This means using few species to ensure oxygen production and food production, rather than creating a rather obstructive and complicating diversity. For example, according to Robert Zubrin, bumblebees are “the more docile bees” and are good for pollination; otherwise, insects could be largely dispensed with at first, since they reproduce too rapidly, as ants do, for example.
The purpose of the facility is no longer habitats for space, but is for studying earth's ecosystems. There will be no more sealed missions of people inside the habitat, and the work does not look directly applicable to space habitats any more. Space Biosphere Ventures is out, and Biosphere 2 Science Consortium is in.
Reply 2
> AI is a powerful tool in the kit. ...But we need to acknowledge it has certain capabilities that exceed our own.
As does a car, tractor, Horse, Lion, Tiger etc. Bacteria are way better at about anything that matters. They have developed over 20 metabolic pathways, humans to date none. One of those metabolic pathways is the Water molecule. Cyanobacteria can break the H2O molecule at room temperature, keep the hydrogen and release the oxygen.
More much more could be said.
A Very Gentle Introduction to Large Language Models without the Hype
I hope you find time to read this article on AI. He goes into the weeds but very very gently.
> Because AI needs data and lots of it, ... John MacAfee pointed out the anti-virus software he invented has long been rendered unnecessary. ...staggering Trillion dollars in ten years. ... governments and the military.
With that in mind please read A Very Gentle Introduction to Large Language Models without the Hype. Also are you a member of the Free Software Foundation. They have been on top of this from the beginning. I have been a member for several decades. Though I am not a hacker in the traditional sense. I have been aware of the encroachment of Private/Public partnerships to spy on citizens for a very long time.
AI only became physically possible in 2017.
> ... texts to your spouse
Don't own a cell phone. Never have, never will.
> Jonathan Couey, bless his heart, pontificates on how the PCR testing could have been used to capture the largest most diverse population of DNA sampling in the history of the world.
I have been following and supporting JJ for almost 6 months (small time supporter not much of an income). His deep insight into the real function of transfections is a grand slam. As is his theory well documented as to how it was pulled off. I bought several books based on his twitch program. Check his GigaOhmBiologic site every several days.
I second your deep esteem of JJ Couey!!!
>There’s only one explanation for capturing our DNA ... without firing a shot.
Jay Couey talks about the cull. He strongly suggests the age group that is being intently studied now is his children and will be theirs. That leads to my take, which is different from yours.
Supposedly we landed on the moon 50+ years ago. Supposedly we are going there again. Just saying that what is said is not what is done. Most likely reason is the human body. Not really a space or low gravity body. Soooo...
All this genetic data is being used for several things. The most important to my mind is finding organs donors for the .0001% as these people mess their pants thinking about death. They want their version of technocracy to flourish and want to live long enough to see that happening.
It has also been said that we need to make "space adapted humans". That is a problem we can't really think about yet. We need space stations orbiting the earth long term. We need people to inhabit them long term and we need a micro environment that approximates the bare necessities the biology needs (including human) to survive and in time thrive.
That is a really hard problem. You cannot imagine how hard that problem is.
Biosphere 2 failed. Though that has been paved over so to speak. If failed because even as big as it was, it couldn't get the right mix of biology to enable life to just live, let alone thrive.
AI can't even begin to figure that out as it is not embodied. That wisdom and know how it works rests with the Earth/Gaia and to date we have found not other planets that harbor life. That is not saying there is no planetary life other than earth it is just that we have not detected it.
reply 1
> (slightly eccentric)
Is why he is as you say good, caring intellitent...
> That’s why when Americans encounter different cultures that do not share the same values they always make excuses.
True but worse in the colonial era where they just exterminated the inhabitants and took their land. And by "They" I mean NATO Europe and the US with it's "Manifest Destiniy"
> Biden wouldn’t really sell America out to China, right?
Biden couldn't that was done by Nixon and Kissinger in the 1970s. All those rich people in the North East can't stand acid rain. Instead of innovation, all the heavy industry of the Rust Belt is moved to China. Before the move it wasn't the Rust Belt. More could be said my family comes from Amish like farmers, steal workers, Black Smiths and coal minners.
We were then told the US is now a service economy. How did that work out?
> They wouldn’t really try to murder and control us via mass penetration of a biological agent would they? It all seems so idiotic doesn’t it?
This statement seems to be pointed at China (I may have misunderstood what you meant) so I repy with the following;
Ron Unz really nails this one ( No one can call him a bleeding liberal, or a dummy. His site is amazing to me as it is a forum for many points of view. Ron Unz is no cheer leader for China, but he has a keen eye and deep insights to the various players in the world. This work by Ron Unz is dated May 10, 2021.
You can jump to "The Excluded Third Possibility" if you want a quicker read.
Suppressing Possible Artificial Origins as “a Conspiracy Theory”
From nearly the beginning of the epidemic, the position taken by the mainstream media had been that Covid-19 was very likely natural in origin, and although President Trump and some of his political allies soon loudly claimed otherwise, the perceived scientific consensus remained unchanged.
The Excluded Third Possibility
... Taken together, Lemoine, Baker, and Wade have produced a large collection of high-quality articles on the origins of the global Covid-19 epidemic, but nowhere among their 54,000 words is there even a hint that the virus might possibly have had its origins in America’s well-documented and lavishly funded biowarfare program.
The Strong Evidence for an American Biowarfare Attack
I hope you find time to explore and read carefully his work.
Very compelling! This is it.
Do you think they are throttling our energy consumption i.a. because they need the energy for their AI infrastructure?
If this is all run and autocorrected in real time by AI, it would mean that by way of substack articles and Twitter they can induce us to input our changing assessments of events, our evolving theories in real time into their ongoing calculations. Rolling out this chat AI in many applications at this point in time increases their chances of gathering and exploiting and factoring in our reaction and state of mind. Then, it would be better to become more tight-lipped. Even though that too harms us. Tricky situation.
I think you're right, AI and algorithms receive our data in and can immediately act upon what it receives. People are psychologically vulnerable to it in a couple ways. One is that people don't recognize how much their thoughts come from other places already. People take in information and feel like they've developed those thoughts on their own, but most all our thoughts and the knowledge has been learned our whole life. People need to wake up to where, and how, they're learning it from. Information that turns into peoples' deeply held beliefs can be packaged in manipulative ways, preying on people's good nature and values. Since the information people take in are connected to their own values, it's hard to discern that they shouldn't swallow the belief in its entirety. Secondly people want to be accepted and even admired, so when negativity is pointed their way thru algorithms, there are a lot of people who will buckle, or as you say just be silent. It's too much for their sense of self to be seen negatively. This was studied to manipulate people to take the transfections for example, and it's being used in climate change and systemic issues. You are right, it is a tricky situation.
Tricky indeed. The more you learn about AI particularly when thinking in terms of the military version which makes Chat GPT look like a kindergarten toy. (A toy that passed a Wharton MBA exam with a B) the more you understand how powerful it’s influence and problem solving really is.
People succumb for many reasons. At the grass roots level it is because they’ve been suckered into a tailor made paradigm fed to them that once accepted their ego will not allow them to let go. At high levels they tinker with it and us to achieve a predetermined outcome knowing consequences are nil.
I used to dismiss AI as akin to Siri or Alexa on steroids. No. It’s way more advanced than that. Musk said there are only a few gigantic AI server farms feeding very powerful computers. He said you can see their heat signature from space. It won’t be long when none of us will know what’s true.
Another “kindergarten” program that came out recently can record a mere 30 seconds of your conversation and reassemble your words with accurate tonal inflections to make you say something you never said. Or never meant to say. Undetectable.
These are just the basic toys. The power that AI wields to influence society is off the charts. We underestimate it at our peril. There’s no doubt in my mind the Pandemic was a test of its powers.
For many years now it’s been no secret our data has been captured and sold. A multibillion dollar industry.
Most of us including me had no idea why. Targeted advertising was the broad explanation.
Snowden, McAfee, and others have pointed out that intelligence gathering has been off the charts.
Again, I’d shrug it off because my life is pretty boring. I used to make a joke about how my data would put them to sleep. I mean, why the rush to gather mountains of data on average, boring law abiding citizens?
Now the answer is emerging. The more data AI is fed the more powerful it gets. AI must know every last detail about each and every one of us.
That’s how it figures out how to persuade us to give up our rights, our faith, our beliefs, fears, hopes, dreams and reshapes them in whatever paradigm is programmed by its masters.
That is why data collection has exploded. That’s why it’s so valuable. That’s why we are currently up to our eyeballs in manipulation and most still don’t see it.
AI must know you. Everything about you. Then it can calculate at the speed of light how to make you its willing puppet. You’ll never see it coming. You’ll be convinced your thoughts are your own. And, you will be wrong.
AI learns to manipulate by digesting conflict data. There isn’t a whole lot to gain from people living a peaceful existence.
For that reason I think most of the seemingly nonsensical conflicts that’ve sprung up seemingly out of nowhere from a culture of so-called “Woke” are not coincidental.
Much can be learned from pitting people against each other, and positing lunacy as fact.
Yuval Harari said, “Jesus is fake news.” “Humans are hackable animals” “AI will render most humans obsolete”
Klaus Schwab said “You will own nothing and be happy”
Listen to what they’re saying. Evidently they see Jesus/Christianity as a threat. They’re confident AI will erase your willpower and necessity for existence. And, once all is said and done whomever remains will be happy campers.
These people are rich, powerful narcissistic nihilists with many, many followers. And they’re making no secret they are coming for us.
I agree, I think a lot of the conflict is being created online. I don't think a majority of people have that same conflict in their daily lives, but they're given the perception that it's all around them.
I do feel spiritual connection, values and discernment is our way through this. I think that's part of the reason why Christianity is being directly attacked by people like Harari. The other part is they want to uproot all other sources of deeply- rooted values and beliefs, so the WEF and co. can inject their own values and beliefs.
Hi SoulBee3 and GLK,
You might consider the Donner Party. There were other wagon trains at the time crossing the Sierra Nevada Mountains that didn't scum to the craziness of the Donner Party.
I agree with most of what is put forth here. I don't see WEF having a real chance of injecting their ideas. Their ideas run on fossil fuel, CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) for humans. CAFOs for humans also includes a complete blanket of psychological programming.
While we are not absolutely our bodies, we are not the person/ego that is projected at us by WEF etal. Our bodies hold sway as does the microcosmos that is Earth/Gaia. Lynn Margulis ask humanity not to make war on the microcosmos. If we do it will not go well for us. Sadly that sage wisdom and insight for the principal collaborator of James Lovelock and the Gaia Theory has not been heeded. With chem trails laced with aluminum and other toxic substance being sprayed in the upper atmosphere without any public hearing or approval is a declaration of war on the microcosmos. Just as the SarsCov2 transfections are a delcaration of war on humanity and much of the livestock and now though genetic engineering of plants humans use as food, to be transfection food, there is no doubt that the .001% has declared war on the microcosmos and all of life.
How the microcosmos will respond is anyone's guess. The 4 billion years of Gaia show plenty of surprised. As the Chinese proverb says "May you live in Interesting times", it seems we do, and will be for a very long time.
Excellent! I’ve been thinking the same thing.. we’re being continuously distracted by virus/no virus, Malone good/Malone bad, CIA mind games, gender anger, etc. seems to me like we’re being sucked into the wrong wormholes. There’s a bigger plot in it all. I think you sum it up well!
Right, it's not that those discussions are not needed and valuable, but we can't get so engaged in those that we lose sight of the bigger picture happening.
> But if we are doing the job of keeping us engaged and entertained, and not doing any obviously stupid things, then we might think they are more sophisticated than the are.
>They key point is that artificial intelligence is not magic. And because it is not magic, it can be explained.
> ust like we can make a smaller, simpler version of a car, we can also make a smaller, simpler version of human language. We use the term large language models because these models are, well, large, from the perspective of how much memory is required to use them.
> The basic concept of the neural network was invented in the 1940s and the basic concepts on how to train them as were invented in the 1980s. Neural networks are very inefficient, and it wasn’t until around 2017 when computer hardware was good enough to use them at large scale.
> But instead of brains, I like to think of neural networks using the metaphor of electrical circuitry. You don’t have to be an electrical engineer to know that electricity flows through wires and that we have things called resistors that make it harder for electricity to flow through parts of a circuit.
> 4. What is Deep Learning?
Deep Learning is a recognition that we can put other things in our circuits besides resistors and gates. For example we can have a mathematical calculation in the middle of our circuit that adds and multiplies things together before sending electricity forward. Deep Learning still uses the same basic incremental technique of guessing parameters.
> 5. What is a Language Model?
When we did the example of the car, we were trying to get our neural network to perform behavior that was consistent with our data. We were asking whether we could create a circuit that manipulated the mechanisms in the car the same way a driver did under similar circumstances. We can treat language the same way. We can look at text written by humans and wonder whether a circuit could produce a sequence of words that looks a lot like the sequences of words that humans tend to produce. Now, our sensors fire when we see words and our output mechanisms are words too.
What are we trying to do? We are trying to create a circuit that guesses an output word, given a bunch of input words.
... A great read I encourgage everyone to read the article.
I'd really love to know what you (and also JJ, if ever he were to look at it) think of this:
That really is interesting. Here’s several things that I notice.
Before talking about the mortality dip, I noticed that all countries start at zero at 2018, then they spread out from one another. I find that hard to believe, but maybe it is true, I’d have to see the source data on everyone starting at zero excess deaths.
Comparing the mortality dip with the two years before, most countries don't show a big difference. If you look at the lowest point of the mortality dip and compare that to the lowest point in the two years before, there isn't much of a difference in most countries. For most of the countries this dip looks like normal variability. Sweden looks to have the widest dip compared with the two years before, which means less people died in the first months of 2020. It's interesting that Sweden was the only country in Europe that did not have harmful authoritarian responses to the viral outbreak. Did that have something to do with it?
Since most countries didn’t have big changes in their excess deaths during the dip, even though they all dipped at the same time, I'm not sure this warrants a complex theory to explain it. I think these are all countries in europe, and they are affected by similar seasonal patterns.
It's my understanding that all countries go through seasonal changes in excess deaths. Excess mortality is higher in their winter months, and add mortality in their summer months . Lack of vitamin D production, being inside with other people, less activity, and other things might play a factor. Of course if countries have a natural disaster, or a war, there will be more excess deaths.
It's also helpful to understand what's called the pull forward effect. If a population has a spike in deaths for several years, that is usually followed by a couple years of less people dying than average. This is because the population already lost people early, that would have been dying a few years later.
When the author says covid-19 (I assume he’s talking about the coronavirus) embeds at a latent level, I think that's a possibility. I've heard Epstein-Barr does that. I don't agree that our immune systems are naive though. There are trillions of cells in our body interacting with trillions of genetic material in our environment with every breath we take, and with everything we touch. This is a constant and evolving relationship. Even when we get sick it doesn’t mean that our immune cells are naïve to a pathogen. There are often other stresses in the body and environment that increase symptoms of illness, but doesn't mean that we haven't seen the pathogen, or a part of the pathogen, before. If we travel to a different country, then our immune systems will be naive to what people have evolved to handle already in that country.
The author makes some bulleted points as a part of the theory. I don't think the second point is necessarily true, and other points after that are related to it being true. That is RNA cleaving enables it to enter cells more easily. He gives a source for this statement that is more about the effect of UV light, and the sources in vitro, which is so much different than what happens in the whole system of trillions of cells coordinating every second of every day in our body. Also, not all genetic material enters are cells. Sometimes our killer cells are macrophages encounter it and just break it down.
So those are my main impressions. How does that land with you? Do other things stand out for you?
Brilliant explanation. I have been trying to wrap my head around this for a long while. It adds value to my theory and does not disprove any of it - I think.
I speculate that various bugs were doing the rounds as they do all the time. Then along comes 5G and amplifies absolutely every sickness ever known to man. Some of these diseases develop quickly and some slowly. For example, it amplified colds and flus in the early days so that they turned into pneumonia and became deadly. It quickly wiped out those who could not tolerate the 5G frequencies - mostly old people whose "dirty electricity" tolerance is lower.
But then the diseases that develop more slowly followed. There has been a massive upsurge in diseases like diabetes, the rest of metabolic syndrome, heart issues, blood clots, various cancers and other viral issues like shingles, which disable and kill more slowly. All of these diseases are vulnerable to disturbance of the body's electrical control and communication systems which is what 5G plays havoc with. This is long covid, which to my mind has nothing whatever to do with the residual effects of any cold or flu and everything to do with long term damage being done to the body wholesale by 5G.
The timing for this is perfect. At the same time that the supposed pandemic occurred, 5G was rolled out and switched on around the world. While the world was locked down, there were teams with free passes installing 5G everywhere. The first places it was switched on had the worst initial hospitalisation numbers, but these hospitalizations and deaths have not let up. My theory, that 5G makes every weakness we already have much much worse, could account for the phenomenal variety of symptoms experienced by those who go down with apparently wild covid and those for whom illness lingers on with long covid.
So where do the injections come into this? Well, not everyone is electro-sensitive. My personal theory is that those with high levels of mercury, lead, aluminium etc are electro-sensitives and are easily affected by dirty electricity et al. So what do the injections do? Introduce electrical conductors of various kinds to ensure that bodies that were previously not vulnerable to "death by 5G" become vulnerable.
Too many tangents for most to be able to hold in their heads simultaneously and see the bigger picture - the interplay between a cold or flu and every other disease known to man, with 5G that affects electro-sensitives, and jabs to make more people electro-sensitive. Can you draw this one?
Wonderful, I'm so glad it was helpful. Explaining step by step with pictures seems to really help understanding.
Right now I'm in the middle of a big stack on the Alison McDowell's research. It turned out to be a much bigger project than I anticipated. I'm headed into the third phase of this stack, which is about synthetic biology and transhumanism. I think 5G will make it into a couple slides, and I'm creating an accompanying video with one clip showing the human created electromagnetic field we exist in now.
5G may indeed interact with the shots. People have found a lot of metals in them, as well as evidence for nanotubes and quantum dots. I've been electromagnetic sensitive, and it got a little better with a heavy metal cleanse, so I think you're right, it has to do with how many metals are built up in the body.
There have been many studies showing the ill effects of 5G. I also noticed that Wuhan, New York and that city in Italy all had already rolled out 5G (and Wuhan had an incredible amount of pollution). Like you say, there are several avenues for 5G to affect people. Even if they don't feel it, it's moving through their body, and so much of our body functions through ion exchange and mini electrical currents. I don't see how it doesn't affect people's baseline health, worsen any pre-existing condition, weakens the body to fight off new conditions, and it possibly will interact with synthetic biology. So I think you're right. But for people who don't feel it, it's really tough to get them to recognize the possibilities.
Oh dear, I am now realising the limitations of Substack. Of recent times I have been simply going through my Substack inbox to see the state of play around the world, and I confess, I had not come across Alison McDowell. So thankyou for the introduction. I will have to pay more attention to cross posting articles about or by people not yet on Substack.
I have told so many people about the 5G blanket rollout to selected cities including Wuhan, Lombardy and some unknown city in South America co-inciding with the apparent outbreak of covid. Few are listening though.
Yes, the whole 5G was pushed on the world in a similar way the injections were, which is a big red flag. I live in California. A city council in San Diego tried to refuse 5G, but I think the federal gov overruled them - it can't be refused. There's no reason for that, most people don't need 5G speeds, so it's another troubling sign of totalitarianism. Along with cameras on every major corner, total surveillance. Since most people can't feel 5G, and it doesn't immediately affect their health, it's really hard for people to get concerned.
I think Allison's research is one of the most important, but it's really hard to enter into her videos and writing without some simplifying explanations and framing. There are so many details she keeps in her head and didn't explain fully each time she says them.